
GridCarbon - available from Google Play store (10,000+ downloads, 2,000 monthly active users)

Track the carbon intensity of the UK electricity grid on your Android phone.

The demand for electricity in the UK varies throughout the day, which means the mix of generators supplying this electricity continually changes. As a result, the carbon intensity of the electricity (the quantity of CO2 produced for 1 kWh of electricity consumed) also varies continually. Deferring your use of electricity to off-peak times, when the carbon intensity is low, can help to reduce your carbon footprint.


    • Data updated every 5 minutes

    • Display of instantaneous carbon intensity (gCO2/kWh)

    • Traffic light indicator to highlight period of low and high carbon intensity

    • Generation mix summary showing total and percentage supply by type

    • Line plot showing carbon intensity over the previous 24 hours

    • Interactive bar chart showing the generation mix over the previous 24 hours

Alex Rogers and I first released GridCarbon in 2010. Alex took responsibility for the iOS version, while I developed the Android app. Since then, we've continued to maintain both versions of GridCarbon in our free time as the user-base has grown.

Since 2010, the app has also seen major changes to the GB electricity grid, with coal generation virtually disappearing and the emergence of wind and solar generation. As a result, the daily carbon intensity has fallen from 300-600 to 100-300 gCO2/kWh.